Monday, June 8, 2009

Acne Free in HOW Many Days?

Okay, so all the millions who suffer acne can be free of it in 3 days, right? Really! And the moon's flat and Obama's a Muslim? Anything else while we're at it?

Let me tell you I took a long hard look at this acne-free book that's selling-up-a-storm while author Chris Gibson is presumbly laughing all the way to his various banks. He must be making enough money to buy GM, although that's getting cheaper by the day?

But is he for real? Is the book for real? Or is it an affiliate-driven scam that's only there to make a whole bunch of internet marketers a whole bunch of money?

I say again, I checked the book and as part of my acne-free website I had subscribers testing it too. It's based on one thing I was looking for: natural acne treatment and while there are plenty of so-called natural remedies, Gibson's method seemed generally sound enough.

The verdict? The method worked in virtually nine cases out of 10, the only major discrepancy being it generally took longer than the much-vaunted 3 days. Does it matter? Not if you're free of acne, I wouldn't have thought.

So try it. Check it out via my site, though. Because that way you get a bonus newsletter thrown in.

See you 'on the other side'. Susie